Lodhi Siloti

How to prepare dhania chutney if your mixer grinder is not working!!! Seemed like impossible to achieve the goal when there is absence of lodhi siloti (close to mortar and peatle) as well. I tried a couple of ways, using hand blender, but it didn't seemed to work. 
I started to question why didn't I learn, even though it is quite a physical work to prepare chutney on siloti but it is one hundred percent sure path to success. Most of our works have become easy but it has got a lot of dependency on multiple systems which can fail at any time. At this time of crisis most of systems seems to have been questioned for its importance and existence. Our parents and grand-parents had tried give us the way which seems hard but it is full proof. This is just one of the example. Isn't this a point of time where we should re-think what we are doing in the name of science and modernization.....
However my mind gave me a solution and finally my chutney is ready to serve. 


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