
Showing posts from 2020

💘Love or Ego 😈

Love! what a lovely feeling to feel loved. Each one of us are so blessed with the love of Almighty. It is very hard to realize, one might accept it if the person is a god believer but it is not easy to "realize". Ego comes in the way. Love is such a pure emotion it can purify us from ego, elevate oneself to become self (ego) less. It doesn't demand. It doesn't complain. It just gives all of self. If I have expectations and think that I love, it is just a play of ego and mind. There is no expectations in the feeling of love. We are in ocean of love, we just need to let go of our feeling of self(ego). I hope love happens to everyone. Love is the Bliss and Bliss is the Love. Love ya.. ~Shadow

Pain or Pleasure ?!?

One feels a variety of emotions, some we call as pain and a few as pleasures. At times pain is such that it numbs the mind. Mind ceases to react, closes all doors and windows to feel anything at all. When time passes, one can never be same but, emerges strong. Gradually it opens its doorways to feel the emotions again. Mind evolves to a state when pleasure feels as a pain and pain is so much pleasureable. One can no longer diferentiate between pain and pleasure. We start looking at things without attaching to oneself and there is neither pleasure nor pain it just becomes an event an experience. One just becomes an onlooker of happenings around, acts to the best of knowledge without getting affected or least affected by it in terms of feeling pain or pleasure.  -Shadow

Sucide or Crime ?!

I think most of people in life goes through a time where person has sucidal thoughts. There is only one way to commit a sucide, close one's nose and mouth using one's own bare hand till you die out or breath. Any other way of killing oneself is just a crime. This is the most ciminal act possible equivalent to a murder. When one tries to hang oneself, it take a little while till you die out of breath, in those moments if the person desires to live and not to die, it cannot be undone. The soul goes through the same agony everyday till he was supposed to be alive. Death is not liberation. People keep saying God bless one's soul, but God already had blessed one with a life where one is able to breathe. You can breathe, you are already blessed. There is agony after death till you are blessed again with a new life. I am sure if one tries to commit a sucide by the above mentioned way the person will realize the importance of being alive. ~Shadow

Can I be the Flag!!!

In this world I want to be like a flag. A flag just waves in the direction of wind standing still tied to the pole held high. Though the pole is very important and most vital part for the flag to be there still its the flag what gets the focus and praise. Luckily I have got my pole. Wind flows from the sides of the flag and flag mesmirises by its waving but attached strongly to its pole. Sometimes wind can be very turbulent but it never ceases to mesmerise. time is flowing in our lives like the wind around the flag. We too sometimes have to go through very turbulent times in our life. A flag doesn't gets carried away with the wind. I hope and pray that like a flag I should not get carried away in tides of time but be always attached to my pole and should go where my pole takes me. An observer in the frame of time. ~Shadow

Lodhi Siloti

How to prepare dhania chutney if your mixer grinder is not working!!! Seemed like impossible to achieve the goal when there is absence of lodhi siloti (close to mortar and peatle) as well. I tried a couple of ways, using hand blender, but it didn't seemed to work.  I started to question why didn't I learn, even though it is quite a physical work to prepare chutney on siloti but it is one hundred percent sure path to success. Most of our works have become easy but it has got a lot of dependency on multiple systems which can fail at any time. At this time of crisis most of systems seems to have been questioned for its importance and existence. Our parents and grand-parents had tried give us the way which seems hard but it is full proof. This is just one of the example. Isn't this a point of time where we should re-think what we are doing in the name of science and modernization..... However my mind gave me a solution and finally my chutney is ready to serve.  ~Sha...

Dry Ocean's Hope

Ocean with two sea got dried up and all the salty water was sunk up in the core. A gate was closed and will never open. Felt like some part of emotional side was dead. But don't know the gate looks like is open. The ocean is filled again same as seven years ago. Same pain again. Good thing is that loss of the pain was pushing to darkness of darkest den. Excruciating pain but a light of hope that, some purity is still left inside. This seed of purity is the hope. Thank you God then and thank you now for pulling me out. Don't know but it feels sometimes that there have been craving for this pain and here it is back. Some part doesn't want to part away with this pain. Pain is the new pleasure deep down. I guess many won't understand but if you can then you are one of those blessed ones. Thank you for being there.  -Shadow