Helpless Butterfly or Helpless me..
It was a pleasant afternoon with the comforting warmth in the breeze. Clouds were enveloping the sun just enough to make you feel awesome. I was just cruising on the bike on medium pace towards my workplace. The green trees covering on both sides of road, the planted fields with vegetables on one side and scent of marigold flowers with the warm breeze from the other side was just adding to my pleasant mood and comfort.
Like the other days there were also butterflies flying around in their own way to celebrate the moment which i usually find on my way to office. These butterflies the greenery around makes me feel pleasant and connected to nature.
But that day, I got in the path of freely and happily flying butterfly. I felt a small pinch like blow as it got hit just below my right shoulder. I thought it should have been dragged away by the blowing wind around as the bike cruising further ahead. In the very next moment, I released my left hand from the handle to caress. With surprise I realised it was still stuck and was alive, felt the smoothness of its feathers while bringing in front of my eyes. In the next moment i released it in the open air hoping it would flying again as before. All of this event should not have taken more than 5 seconds. The smooth feathery touch from the hurt butterfly started to make me feel helpless and initiating a series of thought sequence. I released the butterfly with a hope that it might still be able to fly, but the reality could be that it fell back behind on the road or on the green grasses along the sides and finally counting its last breaths with its inability to fly because of the blow of collision. Whatever be the case the butterfly obviously was hurt badly. Was I responsible for all this😢!! If only I would have been a little slower or faster and reached the place after or before two seconds the butterfly wouldn't have been hurt. Even though it happened and I couldn't change what has already happened, what could I have done, why am i feeling the guilt of killing an innocent natural being. Was i just the pawn of God in the whole event or am I the culprit!! Is there a way I can do something now or in future, I don't know but the only thing that I experienced in the moment was helplessness. I don't know if this is good or bad but I am helpless to help the butterfly when i didn't intended to do any harm instead what I always wished to her to flourish and be free & happy.