
Showing posts from July, 2020

💘Love or Ego 😈

Love! what a lovely feeling to feel loved. Each one of us are so blessed with the love of Almighty. It is very hard to realize, one might accept it if the person is a god believer but it is not easy to "realize". Ego comes in the way. Love is such a pure emotion it can purify us from ego, elevate oneself to become self (ego) less. It doesn't demand. It doesn't complain. It just gives all of self. If I have expectations and think that I love, it is just a play of ego and mind. There is no expectations in the feeling of love. We are in ocean of love, we just need to let go of our feeling of self(ego). I hope love happens to everyone. Love is the Bliss and Bliss is the Love. Love ya.. ~Shadow

Pain or Pleasure ?!?

One feels a variety of emotions, some we call as pain and a few as pleasures. At times pain is such that it numbs the mind. Mind ceases to react, closes all doors and windows to feel anything at all. When time passes, one can never be same but, emerges strong. Gradually it opens its doorways to feel the emotions again. Mind evolves to a state when pleasure feels as a pain and pain is so much pleasureable. One can no longer diferentiate between pain and pleasure. We start looking at things without attaching to oneself and there is neither pleasure nor pain it just becomes an event an experience. One just becomes an onlooker of happenings around, acts to the best of knowledge without getting affected or least affected by it in terms of feeling pain or pleasure.  -Shadow